Humans Being Human
I saw what appeared to be a homeless man, on his knees curled over, forehead on the ground. He wasn’t moving....
I finally made it to Route 66! Can anyone guess which motel I’m staying in tonight?
I asked Sarah Hancock, the lady checking me in “how many guests are staying here tonight?”
“Counting you?” she replied then a long pause... “Two.”
It appears there’s a “coffee crisis” at the Wigwam Motel. They offer none. So I’ll have to walk the two blocks to Tina Bop’s Coffeteria (I just threw a dart at the name of the place. Sarah Hancock told me, but I wasn’t really listening).
So instead of sleeping, which is what I really want to do right now, I’m perusing Holbrook City Laws to see if there is an ordinance against walking the morning streets in pajamas and slippers to get coffee.