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August 24, 2019

Heading to Lamar With My Old Cameras

I'm planning a short, impromptu Kooky's Road Trip to the Lamar Free Fair, in Lamar. MO. I'll wander south this afternoon, drop by the fair tomorrow and blow through some film, then head back north at some point.

What makes this MORE FUN for me is that I'm taking my old Nikon Nikkormat cameras I used 35+ years ago when I was a reporter/photographer for the Lamar Democrat.

Some people measure travel with MPG (miles per gallon). I measure mine using MPR (miles per roll).

I think I went through three rolls on the way from Kansas City to Lamar.

Aaaaaaaaand Kooky stopped at Cooky’s for dinner.


Russell Viers

I'm just a guy who finds the world an interesting place and likes to capture certain moments with a camera. They aren't for sale, or anything. I just like them. Well, usually. I've taken a lot of photos I don't like, as well.

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